Don't wait for the New Year.

Why wait for the New Year? Start new healthy habits today!
Sarah Muehler
December 30, 2024
Don't wait for the New Year.

The allure of January 1st is undeniable. A clean slate, a fresh start—it feels like the perfect moment to tackle that new habit or goal you’ve been thinking about. But here’s the thing: waiting for the new year to begin isn’t necessary, and it might even hold you back.

Here are three reasons why starting now, no matter the time of year, is the best decision you can make:

1. Momentum Builds Confidence

Starting today, even in a small way, builds momentum. If you started today, by the time January 1 rolls around you're 6 weeks into that new habit or goal. How awesome would that feel to hit Jan. 1 and be already in a routine. Starting now means you learn to navigate some of the trickier months with the holidays and travel, which can give you the confidence that you can keep going as the new year starts! No matter the habit, working through challenging times will be a part of it. Don't miss the opportunity to do that NOW!

2. Life Doesn’t Wait

Life doesn’t pause until January. There really is truth to there is not a right time to start. We often get trapped into thinking that tomorrow, next week, next month, after this or that, it will get better. You think you'll have more time or motivation at some magical point in the future. The reality is challenges, opportunities, and responsibilities will come no matter the date. By practicing new habits during the busyness of now, you’ll build resilience and adaptability—qualities that are crucial for sticking with habits long-term.

3. Avoid the “All or Nothing” Trap

New Year’s resolutions often come with pressure for perfection. If you've known me for a bit, you may know I'm not a fan of resolutions as they are often presented. I love the idea of a renewed sense of purpose or a fresh start, but many tend to be good with setting the goal, but the follow through over time is where the struggle is! That is why a good bit of what I do now is nutrition and healthy habits coaching. The setting of a goal is easy. Just say the goal. Done. The DOING is often the struggle. How will you accomplish that? What will you do when you have a few off days? What smaller goals along the way matter to you? What do I do when...fill in the blank? This is often the gap and where we can really make meaningful progress AWAY from that all or nothing trap!

New Years gets everyone on board, all in, lots of energy to start the new thing! Years ago, I got tired of being the stereotype. All in and then this or that would happen and I'd be all out. The number of times I have set a goal to journal consistently is evidence of this all or least a dozen journals are around with 5-20 pages filled and then nothing! I've learned over the years to be more realistic with my goals and recognize the smaller improvements over the grand plan as far more important.

Starting now helps you embrace progress over perfection. You don't have to wait. It gives you permission to experiment, tweak, and find what works without the weight of an imaginary deadline.

How to Start Today

What's something you can start today that you'll be proud of come New Year's Day?

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