Navigating the holidays with health in mind!

3 things to keep in mind as the holidays approach!
Sarah Muehler
December 30, 2024
Navigating the holidays with health in mind!

The holiday season is a time for celebration, connection, and, often, indulgence. For some, this is a season of excitement and enjoyment. For others, it may be far more stressful than fun. Regardless of how holidays play out in your life, keeping a few things in mind will help you navigate your personal health goals and help you manage the stress of this busier time.

With a little thought and mindful choices, you can enjoy the holidays without sacrificing your well-being.

Food is a centerpiece of this time and often in ways that aren't our "normal." We want to be able to enjoy these and still feel good about our choices! I often ask my clients heading into an event or special occasion. What would you feel good about the next day? Maybe you want to not think about anything that specific day. You just want to eat what you want, when you want and let it ride. Cool. Maybe you know there are a few things you love, but don't want to overindulge and feel nasty after. Maybe some other metric hits home for you.

Regardless, take some time and decide what would make you feel best considering all the things you have in play. If you want to just enjoy the day without much thought, great. Take some time and be mindful the day before and the day after. Extra protein and veggies, plenty of water and let it ride day of! If you want to enjoy some special things, but keep other things in check a bit, make sure you have a protein rich breakfast and/or lunch so you're not starving at the main meal.

Pay attention to hunger cues. This is a tricky one because it's ALL SO GOOD, right? It's ok to take smaller portions, eat slower and stop when you're full. You can always go back later and get more when you're hungry again!

2. MOVE!
Another thing to keep in mind, is movement. The busyness of this time can often mean we skip workouts, sit and chat more with family and friends and just in general with the weather changing and time change, just feel more lethargic. Keep moving! Just those 3 or 4 times a week where you set aside time to move can have tremendous impact on managing the stress of this time! Remember exercise makes us BETTER equiped for handling all the craziness! It doesn't have to be long sessions or every day, but making sure you don't go days and days, is important!


This genuinely is a time to enjoy some special things and people that we may not get to during the rest of the year. Being aware and mindful of our nutrition and health choices is important, but don't let it overshadow the joy and connection of this time! Striking that balance of being present and enjoying these times and knowing you're taking care of yourself can be tricky, but it's worth the effort!

As always, if you'd like help navigating these moments, we're hear for you!

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