A Perfect Day?

Sarah Muehler
February 5, 2025
A Perfect Day?

What a year it’s been. I spent some time this week looking back at this past year. A lot happened for the gym and for all of us in different ways.

As this new year starts, I do love the idea of reflecting and revisiting my priorities. As the years have gone on, a few things continue to hold up as important and valuable things to make a part of my life. Two Brain Business has a Perfect Day practice that I love. I've done it several times and I like doing it at this time of year.

So what's your perfect day? Build it with no limitations of time or money. If you could choose it all, what would it entail? For me, I have 2 options. A working option and my day off options. The perfect week includes a balance of those!

As I build my perfect day and reflect on the year and what I want this next year to include, a few things consistently show up as the vehicles by which I need my perfect day to ride on. Maybe some of these will resonate with you.

  1. Sleep-not shocking, but also so real. My ability to live my day at a high level is so tied to 7-8 hours of sleep. Day to day life is really “people heavy” in this business which I love, but also can get particularly difficult at times. Sleep is my best friend in being able to give my best to the people and places I love. 

  1. FOOD-also not shocking. I have old habits that die hard when I’m stressed. I just don’t eat. Or eat random things and no meals. The impact that has on nearly everything else is pretty profound. I have to make this a part of my daily thoughts. What, when and how much. I feel like a different person when I put just a little thought into this. 
  1. Movement. But just enough - is any one surprised by these yet?! It's a fact of life. We need to move on purpose.  Besides the stress relief it provides, a strong body can do more and live bigger. I don't want my body to limit me for as long as possible. Moving keeps me heading in that direction. But the just enough matters. Learning how to navigate enough week to week is a super power and one I'm honing in on!
  1. Connection. But just enough. 🙂-My nutrition coach asked me to think of the things that fill me up and why. And how I can best use those things to build my perfect day. I LOVE being around people. I LOVE deep, real conversations. I LOVE finding out more about people and how they think and navigate the world. I LOVE finding ways we can help them live better lives. I also know my bucket can get low and even empty. One of my goals this year is to find my personal sweet spot. Connection with others but balanced with enough time to recharge so I can keep doing that at a high level. 

I’ll ask you the same. What things do you KNOW just make you feel better? How do those contribute to your ability to create more perfect days? Be curious. Pay attention to the days you feel great. What contributed to that? What can you replicate more often to have more days like that? These are the questions that lead to personal goals that stick. Once you have those in place, it opens up all kinds of other choices that may come your way.

Not ALL our days will be "perfect" and that's life. But, what if, a few non-negotiables in our day got us a little closer a little more often?

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