MAD about Fitness

Motivated. Accountable. Disciplined. How can I use these tools in my fitness?
Chad Muehler
February 5, 2025
MAD about Fitness

When it comes to fitness and health, let’s get MAD.  Here, I am using the acronym MAD for 3 key components to maintaining healthy habits -  Motivated, Accountable, Disciplined.  

MOTIVATED:  Let’s be honest.  In order to start (or quit) anything, you need motivation.  In other words, if you want to make a change, you have to have the desire to do so.  Motivation is great and it is generally higher during this time of year for our New Year's Resolution lovers.  The downside of motivation is that it is fleeting.  It’s an excellent and necessary catalyst, but it isn’t what will keep you going when times are tough and/or you feel low/tired, etc.  That isn’t a knock on motivation, as I mentioned, it is necessary to start and it’s great while it lasts.  So, finding ways to sustain motivation and build on it is a worthwhile endeavor.  

ACCOUNTABLE:  One of the best ways to keep yourself on track is to have some measure of accountability.  In some cases, it can be as simple as writing down your goal(s).  Constantly reminding yourself of whatever it is you want to achieve.  A much more powerful accountability tool is a partner (or team).  Having someone that checks in with you and encourages you to keep going is absolutely the best.  This can come in the form of an accountability partner (that’s what friends are for?)  or as we all know and love - a class/gym.  Showing up for yourself and also for each other is an amazing way to keep you going on your fitness journeys.  

DISCIPLINED:  Self-discipline is ultimately what everyone needs. It’s not easy, because life is not easy.  Things happen.  Our routines get messed up.  We get sick.  Our kids get sick.  We get caught up in our work.  Life happens.  But, having the discipline to keep coming back is how you right the ship and get to where you want to be.  Motivation will fail you at times.  Your friends can’t always drag you to something.  At some point, you will have to just do it (as Nike says).  Again, it doesn’t need to be and it won’t always be smooth sailing.  But, by practicing self-discipline and holding yourself accountable you will keep righting the ship.  And, even if you never make it to your ultimate goal, you are going to see many great things and experience many great accomplishments along the way.  Regardless of where you land, you will be better for it.

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